The many years of experience of our employees bring with them a wealth of experience and knowledge, which makes it possible to develop the products in a technically sophisticated and outstanding manner in practice. Modusan guarantees quick and easy support, even across national borders.



Founding of the company Caravaningservice R. Hensel with the “Modusan” product line, consisting of electric column, fresh water column, sewage column and sewage sled.



Bernd Prietzel Ausrüstungen für Freizeitanlagen takes over the product line and expands it into series production.


Technological advancement

Since then, the modular supply and disposal stations for motorhome parking spaces, municipalities, marinas and leisure facilities have been continuously developed and supplemented with new products.

The consistent conversion into stainless steel and the separation of fresh and waste water ensure the success of the products.


Takeover by PROAUT Technology GmbH

Taken over by PROAUT Technology GmbH to continue and further develop Modusan products. PROAUT specializes in special machine construction for the microelectronics sector (headquarters: Berlin).


Modusan by PROAUT

The further development of control and product design is being driven forward. By the end of 2023, the goal is to introduce a network of Modusan products for monitorable energy management. It is planned to supply electric mobility by 2024.


Spin-off into Modusan GmbH

Spin-off of the Modusan division into an independent GmbH. For our customers, this means that Modusan can focus even more on the task area, improve service, guarantee a stable supply of spare parts and offer continuous further developments.

Always up to date